A21F-16C A21H-16C A21H-40 A21H-64 A21Y-100 A21H-160 A21W-16P A21W-40P A21F-40P A21W-64P A21W-100P A21W-160P KA21Y-16C KA21Y-16P A21Y-16R A21Y-40R A21Y-64R A21Y-100R A21Y-160R
A21F, A21H-C type are used for the equipment and pipeline of the air, ammonia, petroleum gas, etc. medium what the wor-king temperature are less than 200 . A21W-P, R type are used for the equipment and pipeline of the quality with corr ode gas and liquid medium shat the wor-king temperature are less than 200 . Take for extrapressure protection devices. KA21Y type are used for liquefied petroleum gas what the working temperature are less than 100
温馨提示订购须知:请在订货时提供详细型号、压力、口径、材质、介质、温度、交货地、交货时间等相关参数,以便我司给你选型报价 |