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您当前位置是:商业机会 >> 电工电气 >> 工控系统及装备 >> 供应OVATION 模块4D33613G02
供应OVATION 模块4D33613G02 供应OVATION 模块4D33613G02_上海晖翰自动化科技有限公司_供应OVATION 模块4D33613G02

公 司: 上海晖翰自动化科技有限公司
有 效 期:2015年02月03日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
丁澄澄 先生 (销售经理)
电  话: 021-33890487
传  真: 021-33891530
手  机: 15021249950
地  址: 中国上海浦东新区上海市浦东新区建韵路638号A栋2楼西侧
邮  编:
公 司:上海晖翰自动化科技有限公司



    Brick 230VAC 28
4D33644G05 Keyboard WEStation Operator Desk Top Detached cord Keyboard 115VAC 10
4D33644G06 Keyboard WEStation Operator Desk Top Detached cord Keyboard 230VAC 10
4D33645G01 Keyboard WDPF Operator Console Detached cord Keyboard 115VAC 1
4D33645G02 Keyboard WDPF Operator Console Detached cord Keyboard 230VAC 1
4D33645G04 Keyboard WEStation Operator Console Detached cord Keyboard 115VAC 7
4D33645G05 Keyboard WEStation Operator Console Detached cord Keyboard 230VAC 7
4D33646G01 DT Hwy Ctrlr
DT Hwy Controller box (supplied w/ any Multibus Highway
Controller Board required) 1

5A28137G04 Cable Cable 1
5D32022G01 Panel Cluster Tap Panel Hwy Trans sub assys in Cluster Tap Panel 2
5D32024G01 RTP Assy RTP Bracket Assy w/ 4256A08G02 3RTP6 8
5D32025G04 Ethernet TAP Ethernet TAP 4
5D32035G02 Panel Cluster TAP Panel w/ 1ea 4256A08G02 3RTP6 card 1
5D32046G02 Drive VME Hard Drive Assy w/ 1.3GB Disk 2
5D32052G01 VME Assy VME Assy MMI Kit Assy w/ SHC card 2
5D32052G05 VME Frame WEStation Std 3A99678G21 2
5D32078G03 CPU Adpater Solflower SF VME-300 3
5D32078G04 CPU Adpater Solflower SF VME-300 7
5D32078G07 CPU Adpater Solflower SF VME-300 1
5D32083G02 Drive Assy VME Disk Assy w/ 2ea 2GB drives 0
5D32083G04 Drive Assy VME Disk Assy w/ 2ea 4GB Seagate ST15150N drives 1
5D32083G05 Drive Assy
VME Disk Assy WDE 4360, Seagate ST12400N, and Exabyte
5D32046G02 Drive Assy VME Disk Assy 1.3GB Disk Assy (w/ Fugitsu drive) 4
5D32046G08 Drive Assy VME Disk Assy 1.3GB Disk Assy (w/ Quantum 1225S drive) 3
7379A21G01 5QAV9 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 1
7379A21G01 5QAV14 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 9
7379A21G01 5QAV19 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 10
7379A21G01 6QAV16 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 7
7379A21G01 /
3A99164G01 8QAV1 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 7
7379A21G02 5QAV20 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 4
7379A21G02 6QAV12 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 18
7379A21G02 6QAV17 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 33
7379A21G02 /
3A99164G02 8QAV2 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 75
7379A21G02 /
3A99164G02 /
3A99164G50 8QAV4 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 9
7379A21G03 5QAV21 QAV G03 Analog Input Point card - -25 to +100mVDC, 1Kohm 1
7379A21G03 /
3A99164G03 /
3A99164G50 8QAV4 QAV G03 Analog Input Point card - -25 to +100mVDC,

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. 联系人:丁澄澄 电话:021-33890487

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