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GDE-1B Engler Viscometer (Doub Units GDE-1B Engler Viscometer (Doub Units_Chongqing Gold ME Equipment Co.,Ltd._GDE-1B Engler Viscometer (Doub Units

公 司: Chongqing Gold ME Equipment Co.,Ltd.
有 效 期:2014年10月24日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
Ren Pan 女士 (sales)
电  话: 86-23-62984892
传  真: 86-23-62940030
手  机: 15922636002
地  址: 中国重庆南岸区9F/10,Jintai Buiding,Nanping
邮  编: 400060
公 司:Chongqing Gold ME Equipment Co.,Ltd.




The instrument is designed and made as per the National Standard GB/T266 “Test Methods for Engler Viscosity of Petroleum Products” and the Industry Standard JTJ052 Specification and Test Methods of Bitumen and Bituminous Mixture for Highway Engineering. It is used to determine the ratio obtained by dividing the time of flow, in s, of 200 ml of material using an Engler viscometer at a selected temperature by a factor representing the time of flow, in s, for an equal volume of water at 20 ℃. The ratio is the Engler viscosity of the sample.
The instrument can make determination for 2 samples at the same time in the same temperature environment. It can also calculate the average value of these test results. It is the best instrument for Engler viscosity of petroleum products and bituminous materials determination.

Technical parameters
1. Power supply: AC 220V±10%, 50Hz;
2. Standard water value: 51±1 s;
3. Temperature range: 0~100℃;
4. Temperature controlling accuracy: ±0.1℃;
5. Engler viscometer thermometer: as per GB/T514;
6. Graduated flask: 200±0.2ml (50±0.2ml for bituminous materials);
7. Inner container: Made by stainless steel;
8. Timer: Max is 9999 s;
9. Timing mode: timing by a LED;
10. Heating power: 700 W;
11. Ambient temperature: -10~+40℃;
12. Relative humidity: ≤85%;
13. Total power consumption: not more than 800 W;

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. 联系人:Ren Pan 电话:86-23-62984892

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