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TSC-TTP-244Plus 342E,barcode printer TSC-TTP-244Plus 342E,barcode printer_广州市凯克自动化科技有限公司_TSC-TTP-244Plus 342E,barcode printer

公 司: 广州市凯克自动化科技有限公司
有 效 期:2014年12月18日
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先生 (销售经理)
电  话: 020-29130138
传  真:
手  机: 13380070337
地  址: 中国广东广州市广州市天河区东圃天力街7号汇城商业大厦5楼
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公 司:广州市凯克自动化科技有限公司



    Desktop Barcode Printer
Label printer,barcode printer ,TSC-TTP-244Plus 342E–China guangzhou Kake

High Performance That Won’t Break The Budget
There are plenty of cheap plastic desktop label printers available on the market. But the TTP-244 Plus thermal transfer barcode printer is the only inexpensive solution that offers a powerful processor, generous memory, internal scalable fonts and the world’s most popular barcode printer language emulations in one small package.
The TTP-244 Plus is ideal for customers looking for a high quality barcode printer, coupled with low ownership costs. The TTP-244 Plus is competitively priced, comes with a two-year warranty, and accommodates a 300-meter-long ribbon, which keeps both daily and lifetime operating costs lower than other comparable printers.
The TTP-244 Plus offers the largest media and ribbon capacities in its class. Unlike most printers, it can easily handle both a 300-meter ribbon and a full 8-inch OD roll of labels. With its fast print speed, along with the largest memory capacity in its class, the TTP-244 Plus easily outperforms the competition.
With its small, compact footprint and dual-motor design, the TTP-244 Plus is perfect for a wide variety of label and tag printing applications – everything from shipping labels to compliance and general purpose product-identification labels & tags.
The TTP-244 Plus supports PDF417 and MaxiCode two-dimensional barcodes used to print complex transportation formats – a feature that makes it ideal for automobile service shops, stock rooms, and walk-in shipping and mail centers.

凯克科技(广州) Kake
Boss : Eric liang

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