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GZ Representative Office Registratio GZ Representative Office Registratio_广州顾邦企业管理有限公司_GZ Representative Office Registratio

公 司: 广州顾邦企业管理有限公司
有 效 期:2015年01月14日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
先生 (咨询顾问)
电  话: 020-38038202
传  真:
手  机: 18926120863
地  址: 中国广东广州市广州市天河路490号壬丰大厦西厅33层
邮  编:
公 司:广州顾邦企业管理有限公司



    Duration and termination of a representative office
in China, a foreign representative bodies permit the maximum period is three years (insurance companies and banks on behalf of foreign bodies of five years and six years), the approving authority from this period through the date of approval of materials. Such as exceeding a specified maximum period, the foreign representative bodies still want to continue to operate, required 30 days before the expiry of the approval to the department turned over to the annual report and application.
The tax situation
In general, in accordance with the PRC foreign enterprise income tax and local sales tax law provides that foreign investors will pay on behalf of wholly owned foreign enterprise income tax and sales tax However, different forms of payment. The most common additional costs are foundation. Such as in April 2002, the assessment methods under the tax burden on foreign representative bodies of about 10% of operating expenses. Corporate income tax and business tax, at the end of each quarter 15 days before charge to foreign representative bodies. According to relevant Chinese tax law, if they meet certain conditions, foreign representative offices can apply for tax exemption request to the departments concerned.

For more information or any enquiry, please don’t hesitate to contact us, WEBOND CORPORATION, LTD .it is our honor to provide you with useful information.
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