Performance characteristics;( 性能特点)
1, green non-toxic(绿色环保无毒); 2, colorless transparent(无色透明); 3, strong permeability, sealing pores;(强力渗透密封孔隙)
4, strong adhesion, scrub resistance(粘结力强,耐擦洗);
5, wet base plane can be built(潮湿基面可施工);
6, no need to destroy the original tile decorative layer(无需破坏原有瓷砖装饰层);
7, construction is simple and convenient, non professionals can construction
2, take about 15--20 kg tap water, the product A, B in turn into the water, mixing, dissolved, and then C material into the barrel, stirring until dissolved.
(取大约15--20公斤自来水,将产品A、 B依次倒入水内搅拌溶解,再将C料倒入桶内搅拌至溶解)
3. Pour the mixture into the ground. Sweep with a broom at low altitude. (sweep once about 10 minutes)
4. After about 1 hours, the remaining liquid on the ground condenses into colloidal solids and is removed
(基面处理:使用尖锐刮刀或钢刷将砖,地漏,管道的表面物,油脂清除,使用毛刷清理表面灰尘等杂质.将D料按照1:0.3(D料:水)搅拌均匀之后填 |