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供应aqsiq*办AQSIQ 供应aqsiq*办AQSIQ_杭州环检商务服务有限公司_供应aqsiq*办AQSIQ

公 司: 杭州环检商务服务有限公司
有 效 期:2017年06月16日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
宋一超 先生 (经理)
电  话: 0571-28972605
传  真: 0571-28182431
手  机: 15088680779
地  址: 中国浙江杭州市西湖区玉古路168号中国石油大厦5楼523
邮  编: 310000
公 司:杭州环检商务服务有限公司



    供应aqsiq代办AQSIQAQSIQ FAQs
We are a trading company in USA, Can we apply AQSIQ license without warehouse ?
Yes! Trading company can apply AQSIQ.
Now we need to export waste plastic and metal scrap to China, do we need to apply two AQSIQ?
No, you needn’t, we can help you register both plastics and metal scrap on one AQSIQ.
When will AQSIQ department issue AQSIQ for us ?
Generally speaking, the AQSIQ dept issue AQSIQ certificate 2-3 rounds per year, so time to get AQSIQ is 3-5 months.
How can we choose a qualified AQSIQ agent in China ?
Hangzhou Recycling Inspection Service Ltd is the most professional AQSIQ agent in China.
What is the relationship between ISO9001,AQSIQ and CCIC ?
Your company have to get ISO before AQSIQ application, then you can apply CCIC with your AQSIQ license
How is China waste materials market ?
China is a potential market, it has large requirement for importing waste scraps. More and more enterprises in China are interested in recycling market. It is hoped that China will be the largest recycling country all over the world.
Is there and inspection standards for waste scraps?
Yes, According to China AQSIQ department, your scraps have to meet regulation of GB16487. Which means, your products will be inspected by CCIC agent according to GB16487. Please contact us for the detailed information about AQSIQ and GB16487.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. 联系人:宋一超 电话:0571-28972605

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